The most important measure aimed at controlling the abusive increase in rental prices is the regulation of rents in stressed areas. The obligation is imposed on new tenants to maintain the price of the previous contract, and this cannot be increased by more than the corresponding annual price index.
Let’s look at an example of a property that had a rent of 1,000 euros per month. When a new rent is proposed, the price of the new rent will be limited by the price of the previous contract (€1,000) plus the corresponding annual index (3% in 2024). Thus, when a new contract is agreed, it cannot exceed €1,030 per month.
Where it is a large tenant, or in the case of properties that have not been rented as a principal residence in the last five years, it may not exceed the ceiling of the price applicable under the reference price index system.
Exceptionally, in cases where the intervention of the competent administrations is necessary, the law recognises the possibility of an extraordinary annual extension of the contract once it ends for a maximum period of three years, provided that the tenant proves to be in a situation of social or economic vulnerability.