Legal Iuris

Fiscal advice

Tax solicitors with expertise in firms and freelancers

Tax and accounting advice for companies, freelancers and entrepreneurs.

The firm is made up of top economists, tax lawyers and registered accountants specialised in providing personalised advice to companies of different sizes and sectors.
Plan your annual taxes with our tax advisors to avoid penalties, comply with regulations and save money on every filing.

Tax lawyers in Spain

Monthly tax and accounting advice

We keep the accounting control of your business activity to comply with current regulations.

Non resident tax, inheritance tax, property tax and more

We file your quarterly and annual taxes on time and in the right way.

Processing and management of notifications with the tax agency.

We know that communicating with public bodies can be difficult for those who are not used to it. We communicate with them for you.

Creation of companies and registration of autónomo

We help you to register your new company or freelancer, making sure that everything is in order.

Expert tax legal advice

You will have tax lawyers at your disposal for any incident or issue you may have.

Companies, freelancers and entrepreneurs already trust us.

Fiscal representation for your taxes and fiscal obligations

Consultancy for companies

VAT, Corporate Tax, creation of SL, accounting books, monthly bookkeeping, filing of taxes and annual accounts, closing of fiscal year and dissolution of companies, among others.

Consultancy for self-employed

Registration of self-employed, monthly accounting, tax filing, IRPF,

Online consultancy

Improve your productivity, save time and make sure everything is in order without leaving your home or office.

Tax Advice for individuals

Income tax, wealth tax, legal representation before the authorities.

Tax advice for non-residents

IRNR, model 210, model 650, Beckham Law, etc.

How can we help you?

We can also help you with:

Employment Law

Personalised employment advice for your company.

Property Law

Buy or sell your property under the expert advice of real estate lawyers.

Immigration law

Apply for your residence permit with expert lawyers in immigration law.